
Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The holidays were awesome this holiday. I don’t usually name them, but this 1 wasn’t that boring, i’ll name it technology because computers were included in my holiday. I happened to use computers most of the time. It was a up and down holiday. Sometimes it rained and sometimes it was dry and clear. I would sit on the computer and do my maths and learning before playing my games.
Actually I’d do my chores and then do all of that, but they all had to be done properly for my mum to accept.
I had to earn the privilege of being on the computer or
play on the 🎮’s.
It was already nearly halfway of the holidays I’d been on the technology for most of the holidays. I thought of going outside. I heard the news reporters say something about
kids getting bad eye-sight from computer screens.
So I jumped off the computer to go outside, it felt so
refreshing to go outside and breath in the breathable air
Nice and cool.
I’m guessing 5 or 4 hours had passed and I was tired.
Something pulled my pillow and it smelt like blood
I thought I was hallucinating until I figured that it was just a bad dream. 5th Wednesday 2016 It was round the end of the holidays
I wasn’t relieved how fast time can zoom by. ⚞Boom⚟ a thunderstorm had passed only one thunderstorm.
After nearly all the days had gone, I spent the rest of the days playing outside it was better than staying inside.
Kind of like my dream but my dream was scarier✌️Out.